Residential Metering & Rates

Electric Metering

We read electric meters once every month. Our meter readers, electric utility workers, and the fire department personnel must have access to all electric meters. When putting on an addition to your home or business, check to see if the meter must be moved. Contact the Electric Department at 419-633-6120 for advice on the best location for the meter. Moving the meter is the responsibility of the homeowner or business. When work on the meter base or main breaker is needed, please give us 48 hours notice to disconnect the service.

The city meters and bills electric use in kilowatt hours.

Electric Meter

Meter Tampering

Tampering with an electric meter is a federal offense. It is also extremely dangerous.

Only Bryan Municipal Utility personnel are authorized to break or replace a meter seal. If you believe someone is tampering with an electric meter, please contact us immediately at (419) 636-6120 or

Residential Electric Rates (effective 11-20-23)

Monthly service charge
Inside Corporation $16.00
Outside Corporation $19.75
Monthly usage charge 10.13¢ per kWh

All billings are subject to the provisions relating to the monthly service charge, power supply cost adjustment, and other provisions as set forth in SCHEDULE “R”,   Rider “A”, and theBryan Electric General Rules & Regulations

Permits and Fees

Any new construction or electric service upgrade will require a $20 wiring permit per meter, plus the cost of the electrical meter base:

Single phase
200 Amp with disconnect meter base $225.00
2 gang meter base (200 Amp per position) $250.00
3 gang meter base (200 Amp per position) $370.00
4 gang meter base (200 Amp per position) $470.00
5 gang meter base (200 Amp per position) $570.00
6 gang meter base (200 Amp per position) $420.00
400 Amp meter base $250.00

Temporary Electric Service

All temporary electric services installed cost $50 per temporary board. Temporary locations must be approved by the Electric Department.

Converting Overhead to Underground Service

Bryan Municipal Utilities will supply the service wire without charge. The homeowner will pay the cost of digging the trench per utility specifications and filling the trench after the Electric Department places the underground wire. The Electric Department will determine the location the service will be dug from the point of service to the home.

Specifications for Service

Bryan Municipal Utilities has specifications for overhead and underground service that describe the requirements for installing a residential meter base on a house. All work must be installed in accordance with the National Electric Code and BMU specifications. Link to a PDF of the General Specifications for Service

Link to a copy of the Bryan Electric General Rules & Regulations or request a copy by calling 419-633-6100 or by e-mailing us at