EPA Lead Service Line Survey

RE: Water Service Line Material Survey

Dear Property Owner/Resident:

In 2019, U.S. EPA proposed lead and copper rule revisions (LCRR). These rules became final on
December 16, 2021, and within this revision all Public Water Systems are required to submit a lead
service line inventory to the Ohio EPA by no later than October 16, 2024. This inventory requires
water service line material to be identified for both the municipal owned portion and property
owner portion of the service line.

Bryan Municipal Utilities is in need of your assistance in helping to identify water service line
material at your residence. Properties vary in the type of material used, some of those include,
lead, copper, galvanized or plastic. Water service lines typically enter a residence through a
basement wall, crawl space, or a utility room on a slab foundation. Please see the enclosed
informational flyer on how to participate and submit water service line material to us. The survey
includes pictures and instructions to perform a scratch or magnet test to assist in identifying the
correct material.

Responses can be submitted to Bryan Municipal Utilities by one of several methods.
• Scan the QR Code on the informational flyer
• Visit https://bit.ly/Lead-Service-Line-Form
• Email jdunning@cityofbryan.com
• Call us at 419-633-6100

We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for your time.


Jimmy Dunning
Water Superintendent